We appreciate the opportunity to care for you. After your endodontic treatment, we suggest the following recommendations.
1. Do not chew or drink any hot liquids or food until the anesthetic has completely worn off. You may otherwise risk biting your cheek or tongue or burning your mouth.
2. It is best to take anti-inflammatory medication before the anesthetic wears off. The tooth and supporting tissue may have soreness or pain. We recommend 2 tablets of Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or Aleve for mild discomfort every 4-6 hours. Do not exceed 10 pills in 24 hours. If you are unable to take aspirin, do not take these anti-inflammatory drugs. Instead, use Acetaminophen (Tylenol) for mild pain or discomfort.
3. Please do not chew on this tooth until you get a permanent restoration (full crown) at your dentist’s office. It may be several weeks before you can chew comfortably on the tooth; this is completely normal. It takes time for the bone under the tooth to heal.
4. Unless the doctor has told you otherwise, you must return to your dentist for a permanent restoration as soon as possible. Your dentist will recommend the necessary type of restoration (crown, filling, etc.) Failure to do so may result in re-infection of root canal or loss of tooth due to breakdown. We will forward a full report of treatment to your dentist.
5. Be sure to call the office with any questions or concerns you may have. If swelling or severe pain occurs that cannot be controlled by pain medication, recommended, or prescribed, please call the office. Dr. Pla is always on call after hours at 253-906-9866. Dr. Watts can be reached at 801-623-7266.
6. Please report to us any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 within the next 14 days.
At Pla & Watts Endodontics, we strive to provide optimal care for our patients in a comfortable and professional environment. Our goal is to achieve successful root canal treatment as well as collaborate with your dentist for outstanding dental healthcare for and your family.
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